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Spunj Biography
Spunj is a high-energy fusion four piece that
tailors each live show to be a truly unique experience,
not just a musical performance. Incorporating goofy
antics and a high level of audience participation, Spunj
continues to cultivate a dedicated fan base that will
travel long distances to see the band perform multiple
nights in a row, collecting stamps on their ‘Spunj show
punch cards’ (available for free at the merch booth!) and
chasing songs they didn’t get to hear at the last performance.
Ler maistailors each live show to be a truly unique experience,
not just a musical performance. Incorporating goofy
antics and a high level of audience participation, Spunj
continues to cultivate a dedicated fan base that will
travel long distances to see the band perform multiple
nights in a row, collecting stamps on their ‘Spunj show
punch cards’ (available for free at the merch booth!) and
chasing songs they didn’t get to hear at the last performance.
Indie Dance
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