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September 1st 2024
WAs at the show last night. I have to say of all the tribute Bands I have seen, The Dirty Doors
are #1. Lead singer, guitar Drummer and a Masterful Keyboard musician, this band was the
true to form. The sound and vocal were the best I have ever seen. NO one who likes the Original
Doors should miss this band!
Delray Beach, FL@Arts Garage
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The Dirty Doors: A Tribute Biography
The Dirty Doors celebrate the energy, excitement, and passion of the timeless music of The Doors like no other tribute band.
With an intoxicating sound, provocative and uncompromising songs, and the mesmerizing power of singer Jim Morrison, The Doors had a transformative impact on popular music and popular culture.
Based in Atlanta, The Dirty Doors faithfully recreate the magic of a Doors concert in sound and stage presence with all the classic hits like “Light My Fire,” “Riders On The Storm,” “Hello, I Love You,” and “L.A. Woman” for audiences everywhere.
Read MoreWith an intoxicating sound, provocative and uncompromising songs, and the mesmerizing power of singer Jim Morrison, The Doors had a transformative impact on popular music and popular culture.
Based in Atlanta, The Dirty Doors faithfully recreate the magic of a Doors concert in sound and stage presence with all the classic hits like “Light My Fire,” “Riders On The Storm,” “Hello, I Love You,” and “L.A. Woman” for audiences everywhere.
Classic Rock Tribute
Acid Rock
Classic Rock
Psycadelic Rock
Tribute Band
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