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Grant will play at Craft'd in Plainfield, IL from 7-10PM CT. FREE SHOW. Come hang!
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Grant Milliren Biography
Grant Milliren is an American born indie singer-songwriter & multi-instrumentalist from Chicagoland, Illinois. He has been a touring musician since 2014 playing in several groups until embarking on his solo career in 2016. He currently has two albums & three singles released on all streaming services. Grant provides a live music experience that resonates among many crowds. He prides himself on making his shows an inclusive and memorable experience for each and every listener. Grant is an original touring artist and plays a big mix of covers ranging from the 1970s to modern day. His impeccable stage presence allows crowds to get outside of their comfort zones and engage with him like you wouldn't at any other show. Grant believes music is about expression, no matter if you're the one playing or listening to it. His fervent original music sheds light on his own personal takes with covers and you feel it every single time.
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Indie Rock
Garage Rock
Indie Folk
Acoustic Blues
Jam Rock
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