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What fans are saying
February 3rd 2025
Ginger billy is awesome like away he never disapoints thanks for your time hope to see u again soon stay safe and God bless thanks again for coming to Henderson ky
Henderson, KY@Henderson Arts Center
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Ginger Billy Biography
Standup comedian and content creator Ginger Billy was a respiratory therapist before becoming a breath of fresh air in rural comedy. Now with 17 million followers across socials, Ginger Billy is lauded for his sketches, musical parodies, redneck satire, and true-to-his-roots opinions on American pop culture. He's a VO actor in the upcoming animated Ryan Reynolds feature ANIMAL FRIENDS. He’s made appearances on Howie Mandel Does Stuff, Nashville Hot with Dusty Slay, and the major radio syndicate Big D and Bubba. His music has 11 million listens on Spotify and 23 million streams on YouTube. As an actor and producer, Ginger Billy has collaborated with comedians and personalities Chelcie Lynn (aka Trailer Trash Tammy), Officer Justin
Daniels, Catfish Cooley, and noodlers Hannah & Jeff Barron. On stage, his storytelling reflects a down-to-earth family man with a passion for Southern pleasures. So far he's sold over 21,000 tickets this year on his Backwoods Comedy Tour.
Read MoreDaniels, Catfish Cooley, and noodlers Hannah & Jeff Barron. On stage, his storytelling reflects a down-to-earth family man with a passion for Southern pleasures. So far he's sold over 21,000 tickets this year on his Backwoods Comedy Tour.
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