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ANOTR Biography
The art of blending, mixing, compiling and making it into something you’ve never heard before. That’s what the duo ANOTR stands for. Looking for new ways to approach house music. Characterized by their hypnotic, energetic and repetitive beats with influences from disco, soul, funk, jazz and everything in between. Their music is a blend between the old and the new. While finding the sweet spot between what is made for clubs and what is made for live performances. ANOTR believe that the way to move forward is to follow what is right for you as an artist, instead of following what is right in public opinion. Expect the unexpected. Feel inspired by what you already know about music, but be open to learn even more. ANOTR will guide you through their way of thinking, interpreting music and their way of challenging you to hear what else is possible. Act before you think, forget the rules and let us take you on our journey in to sounds selected and created by ANOTR.
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Minimal House
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