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Corpsessed Biography
Corpsessed was spawned from putrescent slime in 2007... Vocalist Niko Matilainen, guitarist Matti Mäkelä and drummer Jussi-Pekka Manner were joined by guitarist Jyri Lustig and (de)composing of morbid death metal tunes began at the rotting houses of Järvenpää delta-area... The bassplayerMikko Pöllä joined the group in 2009. Corpsessed's first EP "The Dagger & The Chalice" was released on CD by Dark Descent Records (USA) in May 2011, vinyl version released by Me Saco Un Ojo (UK) in co-operation with Dark Descent (USA) in October 2011. The bands second release was a 2 track Untitled 7" EP in 2012. After this Corpsessed concentrated their full attention towards their first full length album, titled "Abysmal Thresholds" which was recorded during the later half of the year 2013, and finally released in the beginning of 2014. :: ::
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